
How to Get Radiant Skin in No Time

How to Get Radiant Skin in No Time
In the beauty realm, radiant skin is an elusive, seemingly intangible goal that evokes
images of glowing Cleopatra or Audrey Hepburn beauty device. In reality, a healthy-looking
complexion requires more than just great genes. It’s also the result of a balanced,
consistent skincare routine and avoiding certain habits that can diminish radiance
over time: lack of sleep, stress, age, poor diet and smoking all contribute to a dull-
looking, less than luminous complexion.
5 Natural Homemade Facial Ideas for Clear and Glowing Skin | Be Beautiful  India
If you’re not blessed with naturally radiant skin, the good news is that there are
plenty of simple ways to get it. With a few tweaks to your skincare routine and
lifestyle choices, you can achieve a radiant glow in no time.
Glowing skin reflects beams of light, which is why the phrase has such an aura of
magic around it. We’ve long equated it with health, cleanliness and a general sense
of well-being. When our complexions are clear and even in tone, they appear
brighter and healthier—and younger. In fact, the first sign of aging is a loss of
So, it’s no wonder that our obsession with achieving radiant skin has risen to
meteoric heights, as evidenced by the year-over-year surge in sales of contouring,
highlighting and sculpting kits (and a rise in Instagram-worthy makeup looks à la
NIOD Photography Fluid). But the truth is, the quest for radiant complexions has
been around since ancient times. Just think of Cleopatra, Audrey Hepburn or
Elizabeth Taylor.
The best way to get radiant skin is to work from the inside out and keep the
complexion looking hydrated and healthy. It starts with a clean and balanced diet
that’s full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Choosing the right cleanser,
exfoliator and moisturizer is a must as well. Finally, it’s crucial to avoid habits that
can damage the complexion, such as excessive alcohol consumption, UV radiation,
and smoking.
Here are some of our favorite natural home remedies and products to help you
achieve a radiant complexion:
The skin barrier is responsible for protecting the complexion from a wide range of
visible skin issues, including dark spots and discolorations. Proper skin barrier
function and hydration are key to a radiant complexion.
Drinking enough water is one of the easiest ways to hydrate the complexion and
promote a healthy glow. In addition, it helps flush out toxins that can cause acne,
eczema and other skin conditions.
A homemade facial scrub made of baking soda and lemon can do wonders for the
complexion. The citric acid in the lemon helps remove tan and lightens the
complexion, while the sugar granules provide an exfoliating effect. Mix the
ingredients and apply it on your face in a circular motion. Leave it on for 10 minutes
and rinse. You can repeat this 2 to 3 times a week.
Invest in a high-quality facial moisturizer that is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C to
help boost your complexion and give it a glowing appearance. You can also try
applying a mask of avocado and banana to your complexion to add moisture.